Idaho Tribal Assistance Resource Center
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5 Federally Recognized Tribes of Idaho
Contact Information & 2020 Demographics
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Coeur D'Alene Tribe

The Coeur d’Alene Indian Tribe is a federally recognized tribe in Northern Idaho with a current enrollment of over 2,190 members. The tribe has sovereign authority on a reservation covering 345,000 acres of mountains, lakes, timber and farmland, spanning the western edge of the northern Rocky Mountains and the abundant Palouse country.
The original name of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe was Schitsu’umsh, meaning “Those who were found here” or “The discovered people”. This has been our name since time immemorial.
The Tribe has a government based on executive, legislative and judicial branches. The tribal council has seven members and operates on a parliamentary system, with members elected by tribal vote and the chairman elected by vote on the council. Although he or she would serve as chief executive, the chairman has one vote on the council and does not have veto power.
Physical Address
850 A. Street
Plummer, ID 83851
Phone: 208-686-1800
Fax: 208-686-8813
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 408
Plummer, ID 83851-0408
Chief James Allan
Social Services
(Including Older Americans Program)
2020 Census Data
Population of American Indian/Alaska Native residing on the Coeur D’Alene Reservation:
Noninstitutionalized population with a disability:
204 (84 over age 65)
Population residing on the Coeur D’Alene Reservation who are 65 years and over:
55-59 Years: 62
60-64 Years: 83
65-74 Years: 70
75-84 Years: 55
85+ Years: 8
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho

The Kootenai Reservation was first established in 1896. After subsequent land loss, the reservation was re-established in 1974. Much of their original territory is now in the hands of non-Indians. Currently they live on a 2,695 acre reservation.
The Kootenai Tribe of Idaho is a sovereign nation governed by the Kootenai Tribal Council. This nine-person board is comprised of nine adult Kootenai Tribal members, and includes a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. There are also three general Tribal Council members and two alternate Tribal Council members.
The Kootenai Tribe of Idaho is divided into three districts based on family groups. Members of the Kootenai Tribal Council are selected from the districts from which they are members. Elected officials serve a four-year term.
Tribal Membership: 165 Enrolled Members
Physical Address
100 Circle Drive
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone: 208-267-3519
Fax: 208-267-2960
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1269
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805-1269
The Upper Columbia United Tribes
Chairwoman Jennifer Porter
[email protected]
NW Portland Area Indian Health Board
2020 Census Data
Population of American Indian/Alaska Native residing on the Kootenai Reservation:
Noninstitutionalized population with a disability:
18 (11 over age 65)
Population residing on the Coeur D’Alene Reservation who are 65 years and over:
55-59 Years: 3
60-64 Years: 3
65-74 Years: 9
75-84 Years: 0
85+ Years: 2
Nez Perce Tribe

The Nez Perce Tribe is a federally recognized tribe in north-central Idaho with more than 3,500 enrolled citizens. Headquartered in Lapwai, ID, the Nez Perce Reservation spans about 770,000 acres.
The current governmental structure is based on a constitution adopted by the tribe in 1948. The tribe is governed by a nine-member elected executive committee, known as the Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee or NPTEC. The NPTEC is obligated to protect the health and welfare of the Nez Perce people. This means protecting and preserving treaty rights and tribal sovereignty, Nez Perce culture and the general environment of the reservation.
Due to tribal loss of lands, the population on the reservation is predominantly white, nearly 90% in 1988.
Contact Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee
[email protected]
Phone: 208-843-2463 ext. 4655
Contact Jackie McArthur – Manager, Social Services Department
[email protected]
Samuel N Penney – Chairman, Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee (NPTEC)
2020 Census Data
Population of American Indian/Alaska Native residing on the Nez Perce Reservation:
Noninstitutionalized population with a disability:
4,433 (2,118 over age 65)
Population residing on the Coeur D’Alene Reservation who are 65 years and over:
55-59 Years: 1,535
60-64 Years: 1,800
65-74 Years: 2,906
75-84 Years: 1,513
85+ Years: 428
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation

The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of Fort Hall are comprised of the eastern and western bands of the Northern Shoshone and the Bannock, or Northern Paiute, bands.
The Shoshones and Bannocks entered into peace treaties in 1863 and 1868 known today as the Fort Bridger Treaty. The Fort Hall Reservation is located in the eastern Snake River Plain of southeastern Idaho. It is comprised of lands that lie north and west of the town of Pocatello. The Snake River, Blackfoot River, and the American Falls Reservoir border the reservation on the north and northwest.
The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes is governed by the Fort Hall Business Council that is comprised of seven members. The council is elected by the general membership for two-year terms. The Council maintains authority over all normal business procedures, including the development of lands and resources and all matters of self-government.
The Executive Director’s Office is guided by the tribal mission statement: to promote economic development, education and health to ensure that the tribal membership receives the highest quality of life while maintaining traditional customs and beliefs.
The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes have more than 5,300 enrolled members, and more than half reside on the Fort Hall Reservation
Physical Address
1 Pima Drive
Agency Building 82
Fort Hall, ID 83203
Phone: 208-478-3700
Phone (alt.): 208-237-0797
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 306
Fort Hall, ID 83203-0306
2020 Census Data
Population of American Indian/Alaska Native residing on the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation:
Noninstitutionalized population with a disability:
1,298 (563 over age 65)
Population residing on the Coeur D’Alene Reservation who are 65 years and over:
55-59 Years: 382
60-64 Years: 350
65-74 Years: 507
75-84 Years: 323
85+ Years: 63
Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Indian Reservation

The Duck Valley Reservation is composed of 289,819 acres held in trust by the United States Government for the use and occupancy of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes. Tribal membership is over 2,000 with approximately 1,700 living on the reservation.
The Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of Duck Valley are governed by a Business Council comprised of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and five Council Members, all of whom are elected to serve three-year terms. The Business Council directs the Tribal government. The Chairman manages the operations of Tribal government. There are four divisions of tribal administration: Health & Human Services, Judicial Services, Tribal Programs, and Support Services.
1036 Idaho State Highway 51
Owyhee County, ID 83064
Tribal Headquarters
Phone: 208-759-3100
Operator: ext. 1200
Brian Thomas
Tribal Chairman
[email protected]
Helen Hernandez
[email protected]
208-759-3100 ext. 1235
2020 Census Data
Population of American Indian/Alaska Native residing on the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation:
Noninstitutionalized population with a disability:
1,298 (563 over age 65)
Population residing on the Coeur D’Alene Reservation who are 65 years and over:
55-59 Years: 382
60-64 Years: 350
65-74 Years: 507
75-84 Years: 323
85+ Years: 63
Idaho State Unit on Aging
The ICOA assists older adults and people with disabilities to remain independent, avoid institutionalization and age in place in their own homes and communities
Mission – To lead system creation and network coordination to support Idahoans as they age.
Vision – For Idahoans to have an informative, visible, reliable and easily accessible support system as they age.
ICOA Administration
Vicki Yanzu
Project Manager
Jenny Hill
Financial Technicial
Joe Zaher
Senior Financial Specialist
Judy Bicknell Taylor
Bettina Briscoe
Administrative Services Manager
Susan Bradley
Technical Records Specialist 1
341 W. Washington Street, 3rd Fl.
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83702
(208) 334-3833 x226
Fax: (208) 334-3033
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- Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers; Senior Community Service Employment Program
- Admir Selimovic – Program Specialist
- Commodity Supplemental Food Program Home Delivered Meals
- Birgit Luebeck – Program Specialist
- Case Management; Chore: Homemaker; Transportation
- Erin Olsen – Program Specialist
- Consumer Direction
- Janet Miller – Program Planning and Development Specialist
- Dementia Capable; Life Span Respite; National Family Caregiver Support Program
- Lynn Fyanes, Program Specialist
- Senior Medicare Patrol (Fraud Prevention)
- Admir Selimovic – Program Specialist
- Ombudsman/Idaho Long-Term Care Ombudsman
- Amanda Scott – Ombudsman
- Adult Protection Legal Assistance
- Deedra Hunt – Program Specialist
- Congregate Meals
- Birgit Luebeck – Program Specialist
- Disease Prevention & Health Promotions
- Erin Olsen – Program Specialist
- Reducing Loneliness
- Janet Miller – Program Planning and Development Specialist
- Dementia Capable; Lifespan Respite
- Lynn Fyanes – Program Specialist
- Education & Outreach
- David Brandt – Education & Outreach Specialist
- Information & Assistance
- Scott Carpenter – Project Coordinator
Idaho Area Agencies on Aging
A “No Wrong Door” partner that plans, implements, and connects seniors & caregivers to programs & supports.
The Idaho Association of Area Agencies on Aging is dedicated to providing leadership, advocacy, and education to improve and expand capabilities and choices within the aging network to meet the home and community-based service needs of older Idahoans and their caregivers.
P.O. Box 51098
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405
208-522-5370 x1052
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Northern Idaho

North Idaho College
Sage Stoddard – Director
402 W. Canfield Suite 1
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815
1-208-667-3179 or 1-800-786-5536
Email: [email protected]
Counties – Benewah, Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Shoshone
Hours – Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
North Central Idaho

Community Action Partnership
Kristin Schmidt – Director
124 New 6th Street
Lewiston, ID 83501
1-208-743-5580 or 1-800-877-3206
Email: [email protected]
Counties – Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce
Hours – Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Southwest Idaho

Raul Enriquez – Director
1505 South Eagle Road, Suite 120
Meridian, ID 83642
1-208-898-7060 or 1-844-850-2883
Fax: 208-855-2608
Email: [email protected]
Counties – Ada, Adams, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, Valley, Washington
Hours – Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
South Central Idaho

College of Southern Idaho
Sharon Underwood – Interim Director
Physical Address
County West Building
650 Addison Ave W, 4th Floor
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Mailing Address
315 Falls Ave
P.O. Box 1238
Twin Falls, ID 83303
1-208-736-2122 or 1-800-574-8656
Email: [email protected]
Counties – Blaine, Camas, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, Twin Falls
Hours – Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Southeast Idaho

Southeast Idaho Council of Governments
Michael Hirschi – Director
214 E. Center
P.O. Box 6079
Pocatello, ID 83205-6079
1-208-233-4032 or 1-800-526-8129
Email: [email protected]
Counties – Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Caribou, Franklin, Oneida, Power
Hours – Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Eastern Idaho

Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership
Ace Ballard – Interim Director
P.O. Box 51098
935 Lincoln Road
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
1-208-522-5391 or 1-800-632-4813
Email: [email protected]
Counties – Bonneville, Butte, Clark, Custer, Fremont, Jefferson, Lemhi, Madison, Teton
Hours – Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Idaho Resources for the Aging Community
- 211 Idaho CareLine
- 1-800-926-2588
- Location: Statewide
- Operating Hours: M-F, 8 AM – 6 PM
- Provides free statewide community Information and Referral service which connects people with government, faith-based, and community resources.
- Able to Work: Idaho Department of Labor
- 1-208-332-3570
- Location: Statewide
- Operating Hours: M-F, 8 AM – 5 PM
- Provides employment resources to jobseekers with disabilities, employers, and service providers
- LEARN: Aging and Caregiving Education Resource Network
- Lifelong Education and Aging Resource Network, Inc (LEARN) is an Idaho based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed to provide free education for the community by the community. FREE education sessions are provided by volunteer LEARN member professionals and partners. LEARN offers classes, a video library, articles, “senior planet: (free in-person technology classes), and community events.
- Mission: Helping people navigate the joys and challenges of aging and caregiving.
- Consortium of Idahoans with Disabilities
- The Consortium for Idahoans with Disabilities or CID is a coalition of Idaho agencies and organizations concerned with issues affecting people with disabilities. For up-to-date information about the Consortium of Idahoans with Disabilities, look at their Facebook page.
- Family Caregiver Navigator Project
- The mission of the Family Caregiver Navigator program is to enhance resilience and systems of support by providing person-centered counseling, custom care planning and resource referral to family caregivers across the lifespan.
- 208-426-5899
- [email protected]
- Idaho Center on Disabilities & Human Development
- The Idaho Center on Disabilities and Human Development (CDHD) is Idaho’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. We support people with disabilities through education, research and service. We provide training services and technical assistance. We also share information that helps promote a nation where all people, including people with disabilities, can live, learn, work and play within their communities.
- 1187 Alturas Drive
Moscow, Idaho 83843 - 208-885-6000
- 208-885-6145
- Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
- The Department of Health and Welfare’s (DHW) primary role in the community is to provide services and oversight to promote healthy people, safe children, and stable families.
- Idaho Legal Aid
- A nonprofit statewide law firm dedicated to providing equal access to justice for low income people through quality advocacy and education
- Idaho State Independent Living Council
- The Idaho State Independent Living Council (SILC) actively engages in activities that help provide Idahoans with disabilities a greater voice in obtaining services that are consumer responsive, cost effective and community based.
- 120 S. Cole Road
Boise, ID 83709 - 208-334-3800
- 1-800-487-4866
- LIFE, A Center for Independent Living
- As Eastern Idaho’s Center for Independent living, Life’s mission is to empower people with disabilities to manage their own lives, make their own choices, and give them the information and knowledge to assist them to live with independence.
- Blackfoot
- 725 Jensen Grove Dr. Ste 5
Blackfoot, ID 83221 - 208-785-9648
- [email protected]
- 725 Jensen Grove Dr. Ste 5
- Idaho Falls
- 985 Capital Ave
Idaho Falls, ID 83402 - 208-529-8610
- [email protected]
- 985 Capital Ave
- Burley
- 2311 Parke Ave #7
Burley, ID 83318 - 208-678-7705
- [email protected]
- 2311 Parke Ave #7
- Pocatello
- 640 Pershing Ave
Pocatello, ID 83201 - 208-232-2747
- [email protected]
- 640 Pershing Ave
- 15 Organizations Working to Advocate for Seniors
- Long Distance Caregiving
- Getting Your Affairs in Order
- Health Professional
- Resources available on how to:
- Provide Holistic Care
- Facilitate Care Transitions
- Utilize Evidence Based Screening Tools
- Provide Healthy Lifestyle Choices
- Start Uncomfortable Conversations Around
- Loneliness
- Assessling Loneliness
- Sexuality
- Continence
- Memory Loss
- Social Isolation
- Assessing for Abuse in Later Life
- Preventing Suicide in Older Adults
- End of Life Planning
- Resources available on how to:
- ARCH National Respite Network
- 1-703-256-2084
- Location: National
- Operating Hours: N/A
- Caregiver Information
- Idaho Caregiver Alliance: The Idaho Caregiver Alliance mission is to advance the well-being of caregivers and improve access to quality supports and resources.
- Family Caregiver Navigation Pilot: A project of the Idaho Caregiver Alliance, offering free telephone based support and resource referral to family caregivers in SW Idaho.
Call 208-426-5899 to connect with a Navigator.
- Idaho Access Project
- The Idaho Access Project works to eliminate physical, attitudinal, and policy barriers to ensure people with disabilities can live, work, and play in our neighborhoods and communities.
- P.O. Box 816
Boise, ID 83702 - [email protected]
- Idaho Assistive Technology Project
- The Idaho Assistive Technology Project provides support for individuals with disabilities and older persons in their personal selection of assistive technology as they live, work, and play in their communities.
- 1187 Alturas Drive
Moscow, Idaho 83843 - 1-800-432-8324
- Fax: 208-885-6102
- [email protected]
- Idaho Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- By statute, the Council is responsible for increasing awareness, advocate for equal access, provide information and referral, monitor consumer protection, recommend public policies and programs, conduct research, and submit reports to the Governor and policymakers.
- 7950 King Street, Suite 101
Boise, ID 83704 - 208-334-0879
- [email protected]
- Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
- The Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation’s program goal is to place Idahoans with disabilities into the workforce by securing and maintaining productive employment.
- State administrative headquarters for all regions:
650 W. State St., Room 150
Boise, ID 83720
Phone: (208) 334-3390
Fax: (208) 334-5305 - Region 1 – Coeur D’Alene
1121 E Mullan Ave -Suite 101
Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho 83814
Phone: (208) 769-1441
Fax: (888) 981-1491 - Region 2 – Lewiston
1118 F St.
PO Drawer B
Lewiston, ID 83501
Phone: (208) 799-5070
Fax: (888) 981-1550 - Region 3 – Treasure Valley
100 S Adkins Way, Suite #104
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 888-0648
Fax: (208) 327-7009 - Region 4 – Twin Falls
650 Addison Ave. W., Suite 102
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Phone: (208) 736-2156
Fax: (833) 504-1451 - Region 5 – Pocatello
1070 Hiline Rd., Suite 200
Pocatello, ID 83201
Phone: (208) 236-6333
Fax: (888) 981-1421 - Region 6 – Idaho Falls
1825 Hoopes Ave.
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Phone: (208) 525-7149
Fax: (208) 525-7306 - Region 7 – Treasure Valley West
1018 W. Sanetta St.
Nampa, ID 83651
Phone: (208) 465-8414
Fax: (208) 465-8416 - Region 8 – Treasure Valley East
1755 N. Westgate Drive, Suite 140
Boise, ID 83704
Phone: (208) 327-7411
Fax: (208) 327-7417
- 1-888-687-2277
- Location: Statewide
- Operating Hours: M-F 7 AM – 11 PM
- Is dedicated to helping people aged 50 and over to enhance their quality of life.
- Administration for Community Living (ACL)
- 1-202-401-4634
- Location: National
- Operating Hours: N/A
- Serves as the Federal agency responsible for increasing access to community supports, while focusing on the unique needs of older Americans and people with disabilities
- Alzheimer’s Association (Brain Health, Advanced Planning, etc.)
- 1-800-272-3900
- Location: National
- Operating Hours: N/A
- Works on a global, national and local level to enhance the care and support for all those affected by Alzheimer’s and related dementias
- American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN)
- 301-587-6315
- Location: Idaho
- Operating Hours: N/A
- Malnutrition Awareness Week is an annual, multi-organizational campaign created by ASPEN to:
- Educate healthcare professionals about early detection and treatment of malnutrition.
- Educate consumers & patients on the importance of discussing their nutritional status with healthcare professionals.
- Increase awareness of nutrition’s role on patient recovery.
- DisAbility Rights Idaho
- DisAbility Rights Idaho assists people with disabilities to protect, promote and advance their legal and human rights, through quality legal, individual, and system advocacy.
- 4477 Emerald Street, Suite B-100
Boise, ID 83706-2066 - 208-366-5353
- Fax: 208-336-5396
- Toll-Free 1: 800-632-5125
- Toll-Free 2: 800-262-3462
- Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
- ICBVI is a state agency which has been serving Idahoans since 1967. The agency assists blind and visually impaired persons to achieve independence by providing education, developing work skills, increasing self-confidence and helping them remain employed or prepare for employment.
- 341 W. Washington St.
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0012 - 1-800-542-8688 (within Idaho)
- Fax: 208-334-2963
- Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities
- The mission of the Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities is to promote the capacity of people with developmental disabilities and their families to determine, access, and direct the services and/or support they need to live the lives they choose, and to build the communities ability to support their choices.
- 700 W. State, Ste. 119
Boise, ID 83702 - 208-334-2178
- 1-800-544-2433
- Idaho Parents Unlimited
- Idaho Parents Unlimited, Inc. envisions inclusive and accessible communities, services, education, and opportunities for children and youth with disabilities and/or unique and special healthcare needs.
- 4619 W. Emerald St. Ste E
Boise, ID 83706 - 208-342-5884
- Fax: 208-342-1408
- [email protected]
- Intermountain Fair Housing Council
- The Intermountain Fair Housing Council (IFHC) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to ensure open and inclusive housing for all persons without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity, a source of income, or disability.
- 4696 W. Overland Rd. Ste 140
Boise, ID 83705 - 208-383-0695
- 1-800-717-0695
- [email protected]
- NAMI Wood River Valley
- Our mission is to support the mental health of our community members (in the Wood River Valley) through education, support, and advocacy.
- 1050 Fox Acres Road
P.O. Box 95
Hailey, ID 83333 - [email protected]
- 208-578-5466
- En Español: 208-578-5429