As life brings new changes, it also opens doors to joy and growth. This was true for Cindy Haderlie, who retired in 2017 as a Director of Human Resources and decided to move to North Dakota to be closer to her daughter and family.
After the move, Haderlie began the job search and contacted Experience Works— a previous Senior Community Service Employment Program provider—where she became a qualified candidate and a participant in the program placed at the City of Dickinson Human Resources Department. Through time and commitment to the program and completing their tasks, Haderlie moved to the City of Dickinson Police Records Department and later to the ARC of Dickinson.
Three years later, the National Indian Council on Aging took over. Lynn Wise, a former Employment Training Coordinator (ETC) for NICOA SCSEP, spoke with Haderlie about her background, and Haderlie later became a participant assistant.
In 2022, Wise became the SCSEP North Dakota Program Manager where during this time Haderlie’s duration limit was approaching, she took another step in her career by applying for the vacant Employment Training Coordinator (ETC) position with NICOA.
Utilizing her previous experience before and during the program, Haderlie was hired for the ETC position on June 3, 2022, and has been with NICOA since then.
Following her joining the NICOA team, Haderlie has taken great pleasure in helping others find ways to not only supplement their Social Security income but also uncover meaningful employment opportunities. Haderlie said, “This helps give our job seekers a sense of accomplishment and also helps them make new friends as they join a host agency.”
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