The National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) received a Cooperative Agreement from the Administration on Community Living/Administration on Aging in 2019 to develop and implement a Tribal Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) program which will establish an Advisory Council and a tribal LTSS website, provide technical assistance to tribes in the development of a tribal LTSS program, and hire navigators to provide onsite technical assistance to selected tribal governments in the development of the tribe’s LTSS. With the advent of COVID-19, it is more likely that this technical assistance will be provided virtually.
LTSS are an entire range of services including, but not limited to, chore services, home delivered meals, senior centers, transportation, caregivers, legal services, guardianships, home health services, elder protection programs, intergenerational programs, assisted living, long term care facilities and many others. The differentiating factor in this is the coordination of these services in a manner that meets reimbursement requirements from funding sources such as Medicare, Medicaid, Veteran’s Administration and private insurance.
To ensure that NICOA receives accurate information regarding needed services and appropriate technical assistance, the following is a needs assessment survey that we are requesting tribes to fill out and thereby enable NICOA to identify relevant subject matter experts to provide the needed and requested technical assistance.
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